About vaccination in Luxembourg

Posted on 11 May 2021 by Team

Luxembourg is vaccinating its residents in 6-phases. You can perform an antigen self-test at home. You can get PCR tests done on invitation. More info:

Vaccination steps:

1. You will be invited to the vaccination by post.

2. The invitation contians a personalised code with limited validity. Please note that this cannot be extended!

3. Please use this code to make your appointments online. Book an appointment for the vaccination.

4. Follow the industructions to get your appointment.

5. For some vaccines, a second injection is required. You will receive your 2nd appointment during your visit to the vaccination centre.


Antigen self-test:

You will get a self-test kit inivte that you can pick up. The date, time and centre to pick-up willl be included in the letter that you can pick-up.

covid19.public.lu/de/testing/selbstest.html (DE)

covid19.public.lu/fr/testing/selbstest.html (FR)

PCR test:

PCR test invite willl be recieved with a code for you to test. The letter will be sent by post using which you can test for Covid-19.


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