Study reveals age when men feel loneliest

othersPosted on 01 January 2050 by Luxembourg Expats
By Keri Lumm, Buzz60 They say one is the loneliest number. But it turns out men in Britain experience their loneliest time at the age of 35. According to a survey of 1,200 British men conducted by the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, that's the age when men feel the most isolated -- and the organization is encouraging men to talk about it. Singles, this seems like your demographic if you are looking for love on OKCupid. Of course, according to data released by the dating app, men, no matter their age, prefer women between ages 20-23. Psychology Today previously reported that a person's twenties are their loneliest point in life until they reach their 80s. Who wouldn't be depressed when funerals become a big part of your social life? So, while for some men 35 is the loneliest age, there is hope, because according to a study shared by the Telegraph, most Britons are happiest at age 37. That's only two years until perfect bliss.

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