Hey Luxembourg...Carnival is here!!

luxembourgPosted on 01 January 2050 by Luxembourg Expats
Yes folks..The 'Fuesent' has officially started! Luxembourgers have always loved the carnival period, which officially began on 3 February and this collective merrymaking is expected until the end of march. In most countries, carnival traditionally ends on Ash Wednesday (Äschermëttwoch), which falls on 6 March this year. During this period, including the 'Fuessonnden' (Carnival Sunday) and 'Fuesméinden' (Carnival Monday), Luxembourgish associations organise a multitude of masked balls, parades and cavalcades for both children and adults. Carnival Sunday and Monday are not to be missed! Some of the biggest cavalcades at a glance: 1. Diekirch’s large cavalcade kicks off on 3 March at 2.30 pm on the route de Gilsdorf. 22,000 visitors attended the noisy procession last year. 2. Remich’s procession takes place on 11 March. The parade starts at 2.30 pm on the route du Luxembourg. 3. Esch-sur-Alzette’s two-day parade starts on 3 March at 2.30 pm on the Hotel de Ville square. 4. Pétange’s cavalcade, also known as the “Kagepe” (an acronym for Karneval Gemeng Peiteng), kicks off on 11 March. Sweeten your days! Don't forget to sample typical Luxembourgish Carnival goodies.. The end of Carnival each year is marked by the burning of the 'Stréimännchen' (straw man): On Ash Wednesday, hundreds of Luxembourgers head for Remich for this joyful 'killing' which marks the end of winter as well as the end of Carnival. Nowadays, the spirit of Fuesent is still very much alive in Luxembourg, though the traditions have changed a bit. Lets get ready for Luxembourgish Fuesent. Breathe in the carnival spirit and let costumes and masks set aside individual differences...

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