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luxembourgPosted on 01 January 2050 by Luxembourg Expats
Luxembourg: Number of people acquiring Luxembourg nationality has just quadrupled. More than 13000 people became Luxembourg citizens last year, as reported by Luxembourg Times. Luxembourg free public transportation may only be a reality by 2020 and not in 2019 as originally expected. We have to wait and watch the developments on how this pans out in reality: Luxembourg Auto festival - if you are planning on buying a car, now is the good season to do so. Lot of offers and easy access to financing. Luxembourg Times has done a good round-up of how to go about it: Luxembourg House prices have reportedly soared by 7% year-on-year and the existing apartments soaring by more than 9%. According to Delano, Brexit relocations are rising. Not so surprisingly we would say: European swimmers meet in Luxembourg: Health: Healthy-foods make us happy. We all know this by heart but a study supporting that always helps Is diary healthy or health-risk? This is the question Harvard tries to answer here. It makes for an interesting read, have a look: National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is planning to sell DNA tests for healthy people in order to collect more DNA data. This would allow for a better understanding of disease conditions and thence treatment. This comes with obvious risks, you're selling who you are genetically: World: India is celebrating its Republic day today, 26th January. Today is the day, Indian constitution came into effect in 1950. India shows off its military might and is usually a big day affair in Indian psyche: Macedonia has changed its name to North Macedonia. Greece has long opposed the name and now is happy with North Macedonia and the Greek politicians call it historic: Up to 300 people went missing after a dam collapsed in Brazil. Experts say there is little hope for finding the missing people alive:

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