Do you know the Kitchen hygiene hot spots ?

othersPosted on 01 January 2050 by Luxembourg Expats

Use this kitchen hygiene routine to destroy germs and keep your family healthy.

Hands Wash hands thoroughly with soap and running water after touching pets, visiting the loo or handling foods or surfaces that may be contaminated. If you don't have access to soap and running water, and for extra protection after normal handwashing, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Food contactUsing a disinfectant, clean all food-contact surfaces, utensils and cloths after handling and preparing raw foods. You should also wash all contact surfaces, utensils and cloths before handling and preparing ready-to-eat foods.

Raw and cooked foodFood poisoning organisms can be transferred between foods by direct contact, so ensure that raw and cooked foods are kept separate.

Dish ClothesDishcloths are among the worst culprits for spreading germs in the kitchen so it's important to clean them thoroughly after every use.

Cutting boardsBacteria can survive for hours on surfaces of the cutting board, so scrub chopping boards thoroughly with hot, soapy water after use, then rinse under hot, preferably boiling, water and dry with paper towels to avoid contamination from germs on tea towels.


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